This is a Laboratory Inventory Management System (LIMS), or a database that is part of the research infrastructure at Uppsala University.
Here you will find a list of major research instruments, mainly at The Ångström laboratory, but also a few at BMC, in Uppsala, along with the names of the persons responsible for them. If you are logged in, contact information is also availible. To browse the catalogue, please go to Tools > All tools in the menu bar above.
To find a catalogue for instruments at Ångström Microstructure Laboratory (the cleanroom) please visit http://lims.msl.angstrom.uu.se/.
Are you a researcher, a visitor, Phd-student or someone with a business looking for collaborators?
The database is open to anyone, connecting people who need instruments with people who have them.
Typical instruments and techniques: Microscopy, microscope, spectroscopy, spectrometer, STM, AFM, SPM, SEM, electrical and optical characterization, x-ray analysis, XRD, XRF, evaporator, sputter, sourcemeter, voltmeter.
A user guide can be found under Info > General documents. However in summary:
If you want to add an instrument or get your own log-in, please contact Örjan Vallin at orjan.vallin@angstrom.uu.se. To add an instrument four things are needed:
1) Equipment name
2) Manufacturer
3) Model
4) Equipment responsible
An equipment responsible can edit the descriptions and add images to their instruments.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Photos to the right: Olivier Donzel-G &Tommy Westberg, Uppsala universitet